This educational website was created by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture to mark the centennial of Alfred Russel Wallace’s path-breaking book The World of Life: a Manifestation of Creative Power, Directive Mind and Ultimate Purpose, which was released by the London publishing house of Chapman and Hall on December 2, 1910. The World of Life presents Alfred Russel Wallace’s fullest examination of intelligent design in the natural world. It was his grand synthesis of a lifetime of investigation of and reflection upon the biological world.
Wallace’s belief in intelligent design was launched in an essay published in the Quarterly Review in 1869 where he called for an “Overruling Intelligence” to account for the mind of man, an idea Wallace continued to develop in Darwinism (1889) and Man’s Place in the Universe (1903). The World of Life supplied a fitting culmination to his life’s work.
About the Author: The content of this website was developed by Michael A. Flannery, Associate Director for Historical Collections at the Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences, and a professor at University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Flannery has published extensively in medical history and bioethics, winning the prestigious Edward Kremers Award in 2001 for distinguished writing by an American from the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy and the 2006 Publications Award of the Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences. Flannery is author of the biography Alfred Russel Wallace: A Rediscovered Life and editor of Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution: How Wallace’s World of Life Challenged Darwinism. He also is the author of Pharmaceutical Education in the Queen City: 150 Years of Service, 1850-2000 (Informa Healthcare, 2001) and Civil War Pharmacy: A History of Drugs, Drug Supply and Provision, and Therapeutics for the Union and Confederacy (Informa Healthcare, 2004).